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Oratory Times:
Winter 2025 Edition!
Hear from the Pittsburgh Oratorians, students, alumni, the Oratory Director of Sacred Music, and our Campus Minister for the latest news on all things Oratory, including:
Magnify the Lord Capital Campaign success, celebrations, & construction progress
Campus Ministry thriving
An Interview with Alumna, Sister John Lucas
Expanded Sacred Music Ministry
A homily from Fr. Thomas
and more!
off the press!!
Upcoming Oratory Events

Every Friday in Lent

6:30pm - Drinks & Snacks
7-8:30pm - Lecture & Discussion
Join Fr. Peter Gruber to discuss how a cross was found among the ruins of Pompeii inscribed on the wall of a retired Roman soldier, what this finding says about the spread of Christianity in the first century among Roman military, and more!
New Oratory Lecture held the last Thursday of every month.

Children of all ages are invited to spend a half-hour with Our Lord in Adoration. The time is spent in prayers, hymns, a decade of the rosary, an age-appropriate reflection, and candlelit benediction.
Held the second Friday of every month!
Every Sunday, 5:15pm
Join the Oratorian Fathers
in the Oratory Chapel
for sung Solemn Vespers.

Campaign Goal Met!!
Chapel Construction and Temporary Changes:
Renewal is at work at the Oratory! Chapel renovations and construction will be wrapping up in early 2025, and we will do our best to minimize the inconvenience it poses. Our sincerest thanks for your patience, and for your help with our Magnify the Lord capital campaign which is making all of these improvements possible!
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