Eucharistic Adoration
Eucharistic Adoration is the act of worshiping God as He is present in the consecrated Eucharist. Spending time before the Blessed Sacrament, in prayer and devotion, is exactly the same as spending time before the living God. Adoration occurs whenever someone kneels in front of the tabernacle, bows before receiving the Blessed Sacrament at Mass, or, in a more focused way, when the Blessed Sacrament is exposed for Adoration. Beginning June 29th, 2008, the Oratory was pleased to begin a schedule of perpetual Adoration at the Donnelly Chapel of St. Philip Neri. Local “continuous adorers” commit to keep watch with our Eucharistic Lord day and night to make this devotion available to the public during the building’s open hours.
Committed Adorers
Without committed adorers for every hour of the week, perpetual Eucharistic Adoration is unsustainable. We need you to help by committing to a weekly recurring hour of Adoration. If you have any questions, contact a coordinator.
Substitute Adorers
Without substitute adorers we have no one to take an hour if the regularly scheduled adorer(s) cannot come. Substitutes are a vital part of the Adoration ministry. If you have any questions about becoming a substitute adorer, contact a coordinator.
Adoration Details and FAQs
If you click on one of the Commit to Christ buttons, you will be taken to the Adoration page of the Pittsburgh Oratory Website. On that page you can find the link to the Adoration database, the link to the access card request form, and more. To go directly to the Adoration database, go to:
To sign up as a substitute adorer, click the small "Become a Sub" button.
To commit to a weekly hour of Adoration, click "Weekly Commitment."
The picture below is what you will see when you click on "Weekly Commitment." From here you can see which hours have no adorer (empty gray box next to the hour), which have only one adorer (the word "Adorer" will only appear once next to the hour), and which have two or more adorers. To sign up for any hour, just click the "sign up" button next to the hour you wish to commit to.
Once you have signed up as a committed adorer, you can expect to receive an email from the deputy of the Adoration Committee. In that email you will receive the contact information for your division coordinator (the hours of Adoration are divided into four, six-hour divisions) and any other relevant information. If your hour of Adoration is one that requires you to have an access card, you will be prompted to apply for one. Feel free to reach out to your division coordinator, or the deputy, with any questions.
What do I do if I am going to be out of town or unavailable for my hour? If you are ever unable to be at your committed hour of Adoration, even if you have co-adorers on the hour, you will send out a request for a substitute by going to adorationpro.org/neripa and clicking on "Find a Sub." The password is OratorySub. Once the request has been submitted, an email will go out to all the registered substitutes. If someone accepts the request, you will be notified that the hour is covered. If your request does not receive a response, your coordinator, who will see the request once you have submitted it, will ensure that the hour is covered.
What about holidays? Several weeks before Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year the committee reaches out to all the committed adorers to see who will be out of town and unable to be present for their hour. The committee will collect this information and will send out mass sub requests in order to cover the hours. Adorers typically do not send out their own sub requests during these holidays.
There are always other people in the chapel during my hour. Do I still have to let someone know if I am running late or if I cannot make it to my hour? Absolutely. Though there may frequently be other adorers dropping in during your hour on a regular basis, the week you are running late might just be the one when no one does. It happens all the time. If you are running late, or do not have time to submit a sub request, please text or call your coordinator! It is so important that Our Lord is never left alone while exposed in the monstrance.
Do I need to let someone know when I have arrived for my hour? Yes! You can use the tablet in the lobby, or your cell-phone, to sign-in for your hour. If using your phone to sign-in, go to adorationpro.org/neripa, select "Adorer Sign In," then "Scheduled Adorer Sign In," select your name (or the name of the adorer you are substituting for) and click submit. Please note that if you are there to cover an hour for which there is no committed adorer, you will be unable to sign in, since there will be no one to sign in for.