Oratorian Priests and Brothers

Father Michael Darcy
Fr. Michael was born in Middletown, NY. He came to The Oratory in 1997 and was ordained to the Priesthood in 2002. Fr. Michael serves as Provost and he also teaches senior Religion classes at Central Catholic High School. Fr. Michael earned his Doctorate of Theology from Duquesne University and is particularly interested in the thought of anthropologist René Girard and his theory of sacrifice. In his free time, he enjoys fishing, camping, and biking.

Father Joshua Kibler
Fr. Joshua came to the Oratory from East Stroudsburg, PA in the summer of 2005 and was ordained to the Priesthood with Fr. Stephen in May of 2009. Fr. Joshua serves the community as Vice-Provost and Novice Master and teaches Latin at South Hills Catholic Academy. When he is not commanding a classroom, he enjoys a good game of racquetball or soccer, and watching the Pirates struggle towards glory.

Father Stephen Lowery
Campus Minister
Fr. Stephen came to the Oratory from Alabama, and has resided at the Oratory since 2007 and was ordained to the Priesthood with Fr. Joshua in May of 2009. Fr. Stephen serves the community as a Campus Minister at the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie-Mellon. When he is not meeting with students, Fr. Stephen enjoys editing the digital photos taken of campus ministry events, as well as watching an occasional classic movie.

Father Peter Gruber
Director of Campus Ministry
Fr. Peter comes from the South Hills of Pittsburgh and has resided at the Oratory since his college days at Pitt in 2010. He was ordained a Priest in 2017 and serves the community as the Director of Campus Ministry for our three campuses of Pitt, CMU, and Chatham, and also as the Minister of Rednal, the Oratory’s retreat house. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his many nephews and nieces and woodworking, but not usually at the same time.
Father Reed Frey
PhD Student
Fr. Reed came to the Oratory from Lancaster County, PA and has resided here since his days studying Philosophy at Pitt. He was ordained a priest in 2021 and since then has served as a chaplain at Carnegie Mellon and a senior Theology teacher at Aquinas Academy. Fr. Reed enjoys being outdoors and studying the history of philosophy. He is now continuing his studies in Systematic Theology at the University of Notre Dame.
Father Thomas Skamai
Campus Minister/ Hospital Chaplain
Fr. Thomas is from Rural Valley, PA, a small town located about an hour outside of Pittsburgh. He first came to the Oratory as an undergraduate at Pitt. Ordained to the priesthood in 2022, Fr. Thomas serves as a Campus Minister for our universities, paying especial attention to CMU, and as a Hospital Chaplain at UPMC St. Margaret’s in Aspinwall. Fr. Thomas still enjoys playing nearly any sport he can get involved with.

Brother Kurt Kessler
Br. Kurt grew up in Lancaster, PA and came to the Oratory while still an undergrad at Pitt. He is completing theology studies at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary and he looks forward to his ordination (God-willing) in a few years. As a brother, he is formed in the life of the Oratory under the tutelage of the community and novice master, and as a seminarian, he prepares for priesthood. In his free time, he enjoys working with his hands on projects and going on long bike rides.
Father Leo Dornan
Campus Minister
Fr. Leo grew up in Holly Springs, North Carolina, and came to the Oratory while he was still an undergraduate studying Philosophy and Political Science at Pitt. He was ordained a priest in May of 2024 and serves as a Campus Minister for our universities. In his free time Fr. Leo will never turn down a chance to play soccer or spend time outside.
Brother Matthew Grzybowski
Br. Matthew comes from the suburbs of Cleveland, OH and is the most recent to join the Oratory family. He became a novice after graduating from CMU with a degree in civil engineering, moving in to the Oratory, and teaching gym class at South Hills Catholic Academy. Outside of his diligent reading of Oratory literature, he enjoys working out, having played football for much of his life.